Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Blessing of Weston

The Blessing of Weston

My husband and I had been married for 3 ½ years and began to entertain the idea of trying for a child. I had been off of birth control for 2 years, and we didn’t think it would take us very long to get pregnant. As we began trying, it sure seemed as though everyone around us was successful at their attempts. After about 1-½ years of trying I became very discouraged and let fear seep in. My mind became full of “what ifs.”

 What if there is something wrong with me and I can’t get pregnant, what if there’s something wrong with Wes, what if, what if, what if… Wes was always full of encouragement and would just pray with me and we would take it before the Lord. I began asking close friends and family to pray that we would become pregnant.

 My sister kept telling me that it’s not about when “I” want to have a baby, it’s about when GOD allows it to happen and when the timing is right according to HIM, not ME. Being a school teacher and an over-organized freak at times, I kept trying to plan my future child’s birth around the school calendar. After my cousin, both sister in laws, and 5 of my closest friends in Waco became pregnant; I again let fear sink in. It wasn’t until several of my friends and family told me to release control and surrender to the Lord 100%, that I began to loosen the reigns. After all, my fear and worry was only hurting my chances of conceiving.

On February 17th, 2011, my Mom had gone to one of Tony Kemps meetings and while she was there Pastor Kemp told mom he had a word for her. He pulled her to the front and said to her, “when I look at you the Lord said Hannah”, mom responded, “that’s my daughter.” Keeping in mind that Pastor Tony had no idea who I was or had never even heard my name.

 He began to pray with mom and saying, “you need to know that Lord is going to turn Hannah completely around. The hurt that is in Hannah’s heart, and the desert and wilderness she is in, mentally and emotionally as a result of a series of rejections is going to be healed. There’s a struggle in her mind and her emotions. The lord is going to turn the desert into a garden in her mind and in her heart, and the wilderness into pools of water.”

 After mom shared this with me I was honestly thinking wow, it’s like he’s reading my mail or something. It hit home. Big time! The word that the Lord gave to Pastor Kemp shook me inside. It was a beautiful reminder that God hadn’t forgotten about the desires of my heart and the longing I had for a precious child. It confirmed that the Lord not only knew about, but also cared about my inner battles. In May of 2011 my nanny, whom I was very close with, became very sick and I remember sitting in the parking lot of Barnes and Nobel when my mom called to tell me that cancer had spread to not only 1 but both of my Nanny’s lungs and the outcome wasn’t looking promising. My initial reaction was selfish, but I began to weep and was screaming at the Lord saying, “You know all I ever wanted was to tell Nanny I was pregnant before she passes.” Praise God, I had an appointment with a Dr. in Nashville on June 9th, and much to my surprise, I WAS PREGNANT!!!!!! 

I had scheduled that appointment to see “what was wrong with me,” and the Dr. verified the only thing “wrong” was that I was PREGNANT! Those were the sweetest words I could’ve heard. Tears filled my eyes and ran down my cheeks faster than I could blink. I was overwhelmed. I was thankful; yet, I still doubted it was true. It wasn’t until my 3:00 ultrasound that confirmed a little “yolk” was growing inside my uterus that I believed it. Praise you Jesus, you are the giver of life and I’ll never forget that day as long as I live.

 God heard our cries and answered our prayer and blessed us with a beautiful baby. Not to mention I was able to, that day, go over to my sweet Nanny’s house and share the news with her while she was still coherent and aware. The look on her face is still frozen in my mind- perfect JOY! We serve an awesome God. He not only blessed us with this growing life,

 He also allowed me time to share the joy with someone who is so dear to my heart. January 25th, 2012 our blessing was born. James Weston Williams weighing 7.14 and 21 in long. Happy and healthy little boy!Looking back, I know that the timing of our pregnancy was truly perfect. I’m so thankful it didn’t happen a week, month, or even year before.

 When I  gave up total control and began to rely solely on the Lord, the blessings began to flow! As bad as my flesh wants to take control and try to convince God what is best, it doesn’t work like that, and I never want to miss a blessing that God has by trying to play his role. I pray that God use my story to touch others and bring them to Him, and I know that He has great plans for our precious son Weston as well.

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