Friday, October 11, 2013

Amazing story of Healing and Salvation

Amazing story of Healing and Salvation

I have been to the church that Tony Kemp co-pastors. He has on two separate occasions prayed for me. Once was for my leg and mid-back pain. As he prayed for me, my right leg shrunk about an inch and the mid-back pain left as an electricity like jolt shot up my back. The second time was for upper back and neck pain. He prayed as my arms were straight in front of me until my right arm extended about one inch and I could feel bones in my back moving and the pain went away. There was popping also in the base of my neck. The day that he prayed for the man born deaf in one ear had a deformed ear. The man didn't believe in God's healing power. So Tony called up nearly 10 people to heal and all were healed. The man said he believed God could heal but didn't think he would heal him. But he allowed Tony and the church to pray for him and Tony spoke in a very low voice in his ear after praying and the man jumped as if he had yelled in his ear. I have become friends with the man since. He still firmly believes in the power of God. His life has been drastically changed. The gift of healing has since been at work in life also. God is very good and His blessings never cease. Tony and those at his

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